【紧急扩散:发现这些人请报警 奖励1万元!】广东省公安厅日前发布悬赏通告,悬赏通缉30名涉枪犯罪在逃嫌犯。凡在2014年12月30日前举报或提供线索,配合抓获在逃嫌犯的,将予1万元奖励。举报电话:110;邮箱:gddqb2014@163.com。


【紧急扩散:发现这些人请报警 奖励1万元!】广东省公安厅日前发布悬赏通告,悬赏通缉30名涉枪犯罪在逃嫌犯。凡在2014年12月30日前举报或提供线索,配合抓获在逃嫌犯的,将予1万元奖励。举报电话:110;邮箱:gddqb2014@163.com。

吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 together, naturally
I had a dream, I had an awesome dream People in the OL 吐槽 in the OL And what they 吐槽 Was a masquerade But from behind the walls of doubt
A voice was crying out 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me
吐槽 together, naturally As we go down life's lonesome highway Seems the hardest thing to do
Is to find a friend or two That helping hand
Someone who understands