

Error CodeError Description
8000FFFFCatastrophic failure
80004001Not implemented.
8007000ERan out of memory.
80070057One or more arguments are invalid.
80004002No such interface supported.
80004003Invalid pointer.
80070006Invalid handle.
80004004Operation aborted.
80004005Unspecified error.
80070005General access denied error.
80000001Not implemented.
80000002Ran out of memory.
80000003One or more arguments are invalid.
80000004No such interface supported.
80000005Invalid pointer.
80000006Invalid handle.
80000007Operation aborted.
80000008Unspecified error.
80000009General access denied error.
8000000AThe data necessary to complete this operation not yet available.
80004006Thread local storage failure.
80004007Get shared memory allocator failure.
80004008Get memory allocator failure.
84009Unable to initialize class cache.
8400AUnable to initialize RPC services.
8000400BCannot set thread local storage channel control.
8000400CCould not allocate thread local storage channel control.
8000400DThe user supplied memory allocator is unacceptable.
8000400EThe OLE service mutex already exists.
8000400FThe OLE service file mapping already exists.
80004010Unable to map view of file for OLE service.
80004011Failure attempting to launch OLE service.
80004012There was an attempt to call CoInitialize a second time while single threaded.
80004013A Remote activation was necessary but was not allowed.
80004014A Remote activation was necessary but the server name provided was invalid.
80004015The class is configured to run as a security id different from the caller.
80004016Use of Ole1 services requiring DDE windows is disabled.
80004017A RunAs specification must be A RunAs specification must be [domain name]\[user name] or simply [user name].
80004018The server process could not be started. The pathname may be incorrect.
80004019The server process could not be started as the configured identity. The pathname may be incorrect or unavailable.
8000401AThe server process could not be started because the configured identity is incorrect. Check the username and password.
8000401BThe client is not allowed to launch this server.
8000401CThe service providing this server could not be started.
8000401DThis computer was unable to communicate with the computer providing the server.
8000401EThe server did not respond after being launched.
8000401FThe registration information for this server is inconsistent or incomplete.
80004020The registration information for this interface is inconsistent or incomplete.
80004021The operation attempted is not supported.
80040000Invalid OLEVERB structure.
80040001Invalid advise flags.
80040002Can't enumerate any more, because the associated data is missing.
80040003This implementation doesn't take advises.
80040004There is no connection for this connection ID.
80040005Need to run the object to perform this operation.
80040006There is no cache to operate on.
80040007Uninitialized object.
80040008Linked object's source class has changed.
80040009Not able to get the moniker of the object.
8004000ANot able to bind to the source.
8004000BObject is static; operation not allowed.
8004000CUser cancelled out of save dialog.
8004000DInvalid rectangle.
8004000Ecompobj.dll is too old for the ole2.dll initialized.
8004000FInvalid window handle.
80040010Object is not in any of the inplace active states.
80040011Not able to convert object.
80040012Not able to perform the operation because object is not given storage yet.
80040064Invalid FORMATETC structure.
80040065Invalid DVTARGETDEVICE structure.
80040066Invalid STDGMEDIUM structure.
80040067Invalid STATDATA structure.
80040068Invalid lindex.
80040069Invalid tymed.
8004006AInvalid clipboard format.
8004006BInvalid aspect(s).
8004006CtdSize parameter of the DVTARGETDEVICE structure is invalid.
8004006DObject doesn't support IViewObject interface.
80040100Trying to revoke a drop target that has not been registered.
80040101This window has already been registered as a drop target.
80040102Invalid window handle.
80040110Class does not support aggregation (or class object is remote).
80040111ClassFactory cannot supply requested class.
80040140Error drawing view.
80040150Could not read key from registry.
80040151Could not write key to registry.
80040152Could not find the key in the registry.
80040153Invalid value for registry.
80040154Class not registered.
80040155Interface not registered.
80040170Cache not updated.
80040180No verbs for OLE object.
80040181Invalid verb for OLE object.
800401A0Undo is not available.
800401A1Space for tools is not available.
800401C0OLESTREAM Get method failed.
800401C1OLESTREAM Put method failed.
800401C2Contents of the OLESTREAM not in correct format.
800401C3There was an error in a Windows GDI call while converting the bitmap to a DIB.
800401C4Contents of the IStorage not in correct format.
800401C5Contents of IStorage is missing one of the standard streams.
800401C6There was an error in a Windows GDI call while converting the DIB to a bitmap.
800401D0OpenClipboard Failed.
800401D1EmptyClipboard Failed.
800401D2SetClipboard Failed.
800401D3Data on clipboard is invalid.
800401D4CloseClipboard Failed.
800401E0Moniker needs to be connected manually.
800401E1Operation exceeded deadline.
800401E2Moniker needs to be generic.
800401E3Operation unavailable.
800401E4Invalid syntax.
800401E5No object for moniker.
800401E6Bad extension for file.
800401E7Intermediate operation failed.
800401E8Moniker is not bindable.
800401E9Moniker is not bound.
800401EAMoniker cannot open file.
800401EBUser input required for operation to succeed.
800401ECMoniker class has no inverse.
800401EDMoniker does not refer to storage.
800401EENo common prefix.
800401EFMoniker could not be enumerated.
800401F0CoInitialize has not been called.
800401F1CoInitialize has already been called.
800401F2Class of object cannot be determined.
800401F3Invalid class string.
800401F4Invalid interface string.
800401F5Application not found.
800401F6Application cannot be run more than once.
800401F7Some error in application program.
800401F8DLL for class not found.
800401F9Error in the DLL.
800401FAWrong OS or OS version for application.
800401FBObject is not registered.
800401FCObject is already registered.
800401FDObject is not connected to server.
800401FEApplication was launched but it didn't register a class factory.
800401FFObject has been released.
80080001Attempt to create a class object failed.
80080002OLE service could not bind object.
80080003RPC communication failed with OLE service.
80080004Bad path to object.
80080005Server execution failed.
80080006OLE service could not communicate with the object server.
80080007Moniker path could not be normalized.
80080008Object server is stopping when OLE service contacts it.
80080009An invalid root block pointer was specified.
80080010An allocation chain contained an invalid link pointer.
80080011The requested allocation size was too large.
80020001Unknown interface.
80020003Member not found.
80020004Parameter not found.
80020005Type mismatch.
80020006Unknown name.
80020007No named arguments.
80020008Bad variable type.
80020009Exception occurred.
8002000AOut of present range.
8002000BInvalid index.
8002000CUnknown language.
8002000DMemory is locked.
8002000EInvalid number of parameters.
8002000FParameter not optional.
80020010Invalid callee.
80020011Does not support a collection.
80028016Buffer too small.
80028018Old format or invalid type library.
80028019Old format or invalid type library.
8002801CError accessing the OLE registry.
8002801DLibrary not registered.
80028027Bound to unknown type.
80028028Qualified name disallowed.
80028029Invalid forward reference, or reference to uncompiled type.
8002802AType mismatch.

※修改: modico (modico) 于 2000-03-12 02:45:11 在 [] 修改本文
