


吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 together, naturally
I had a dream, I had an awesome dream People in the OL 吐槽 in the OL And what they 吐槽 Was a masquerade But from behind the walls of doubt
A voice was crying out 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me
吐槽 together, naturally As we go down life's lonesome highway Seems the hardest thing to do
Is to find a friend or two That helping hand
Someone who understands


吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 together, naturally
I had a dream, I had an awesome dream People in the OL 吐槽 in the OL And what they 吐槽 Was a masquerade But from behind the walls of doubt
A voice was crying out 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me
吐槽 together, naturally As we go down life's lonesome highway Seems the hardest thing to do
Is to find a friend or two That helping hand
Someone who understands


吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 together, naturally
I had a dream, I had an awesome dream People in the OL 吐槽 in the OL And what they 吐槽 Was a masquerade But from behind the walls of doubt
A voice was crying out 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me
吐槽 together, naturally As we go down life's lonesome highway Seems the hardest thing to do
Is to find a friend or two That helping hand
Someone who understands
sunny baby


我:我想打你男朋友一巴掌。 女神:别逗了,我都还没男朋友呢。 她一说完,我机智的朝自己脸上甩了一巴掌。 女神:如果可以的话你帮我砍死他吧

吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 together, naturally
I had a dream, I had an awesome dream People in the OL 吐槽 in the OL And what they 吐槽 Was a masquerade But from behind the walls of doubt
A voice was crying out 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me
吐槽 together, naturally As we go down life's lonesome highway Seems the hardest thing to do
Is to find a friend or two That helping hand
Someone who understands


吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 together, naturally
I had a dream, I had an awesome dream People in the OL 吐槽 in the OL And what they 吐槽 Was a masquerade But from behind the walls of doubt
A voice was crying out 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me
吐槽 together, naturally As we go down life's lonesome highway Seems the hardest thing to do
Is to find a friend or two That helping hand
Someone who understands


吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 together, naturally
I had a dream, I had an awesome dream People in the OL 吐槽 in the OL And what they 吐槽 Was a masquerade But from behind the walls of doubt
A voice was crying out 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me
吐槽 together, naturally As we go down life's lonesome highway Seems the hardest thing to do
Is to find a friend or two That helping hand
Someone who understands


吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 together, naturally
I had a dream, I had an awesome dream People in the OL 吐槽 in the OL And what they 吐槽 Was a masquerade But from behind the walls of doubt
A voice was crying out 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me
吐槽 together, naturally As we go down life's lonesome highway Seems the hardest thing to do
Is to find a friend or two That helping hand
Someone who understands


吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 together, naturally
I had a dream, I had an awesome dream People in the OL 吐槽 in the OL And what they 吐槽 Was a masquerade But from behind the walls of doubt
A voice was crying out 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me
吐槽 together, naturally As we go down life's lonesome highway Seems the hardest thing to do
Is to find a friend or two That helping hand
Someone who understands


吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 together, naturally
I had a dream, I had an awesome dream People in the OL 吐槽 in the OL And what they 吐槽 Was a masquerade But from behind the walls of doubt
A voice was crying out 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me
吐槽 together, naturally As we go down life's lonesome highway Seems the hardest thing to do
Is to find a friend or two That helping hand
Someone who understands

聊天,她说:“最近喜欢一个人。”我问:“谁啊。” 她诡异一笑:“远在天边.." 我开心的说:“近在眼前!” 她说:“不,就是远在天边。

吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 together, naturally
I had a dream, I had an awesome dream People in the OL 吐槽 in the OL And what they 吐槽 Was a masquerade But from behind the walls of doubt
A voice was crying out 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me
吐槽 together, naturally As we go down life's lonesome highway Seems the hardest thing to do
Is to find a friend or two That helping hand
Someone who understands

我开药店的,隔壁阿姨说给我介绍 对象


吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 together, naturally
I had a dream, I had an awesome dream People in the OL 吐槽 in the OL And what they 吐槽 Was a masquerade But from behind the walls of doubt
A voice was crying out 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me
吐槽 together, naturally As we go down life's lonesome highway Seems the hardest thing to do
Is to find a friend or two That helping hand
Someone who understands





吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 together, naturally
I had a dream, I had an awesome dream People in the OL 吐槽 in the OL And what they 吐槽 Was a masquerade But from behind the walls of doubt
A voice was crying out 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me
吐槽 together, naturally As we go down life's lonesome highway Seems the hardest thing to do
Is to find a friend or two That helping hand
Someone who understands


吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 together, naturally
I had a dream, I had an awesome dream People in the OL 吐槽 in the OL And what they 吐槽 Was a masquerade But from behind the walls of doubt
A voice was crying out 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me
吐槽 together, naturally As we go down life's lonesome highway Seems the hardest thing to do
Is to find a friend or two That helping hand
Someone who understands

男生:“老师,我请教您一个问题。三位女士各买了一根 香蕉


吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 together, naturally
I had a dream, I had an awesome dream People in the OL 吐槽 in the OL And what they 吐槽 Was a masquerade But from behind the walls of doubt
A voice was crying out 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me
吐槽 together, naturally As we go down life's lonesome highway Seems the hardest thing to do
Is to find a friend or two That helping hand
Someone who understands


吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 together, naturally
I had a dream, I had an awesome dream People in the OL 吐槽 in the OL And what they 吐槽 Was a masquerade But from behind the walls of doubt
A voice was crying out 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me
吐槽 together, naturally As we go down life's lonesome highway Seems the hardest thing to do
Is to find a friend or two That helping hand
Someone who understands


吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 together, naturally
I had a dream, I had an awesome dream People in the OL 吐槽 in the OL And what they 吐槽 Was a masquerade But from behind the walls of doubt
A voice was crying out 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me
吐槽 together, naturally As we go down life's lonesome highway Seems the hardest thing to do
Is to find a friend or two That helping hand
Someone who understands

提前下班,回到家里,想给女友一个惊喜。结果发现项目部经理和女友躺在床上。我还 没反映过来,他们俩就异常冷静的冲我比了个“耶”。然后说“愚人节快乐!”然后迅速的穿好 衣服,临走之前还说了句“瞧你被吓的!放轻松点”。。。。TMD 昨天 10 月 7 号..

吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 together, naturally
I had a dream, I had an awesome dream People in the OL 吐槽 in the OL And what they 吐槽 Was a masquerade But from behind the walls of doubt
A voice was crying out 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me
吐槽 together, naturally As we go down life's lonesome highway Seems the hardest thing to do
Is to find a friend or two That helping hand
Someone who understands


吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 together, naturally
I had a dream, I had an awesome dream People in the OL 吐槽 in the OL And what they 吐槽 Was a masquerade But from behind the walls of doubt
A voice was crying out 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me
吐槽 together, naturally As we go down life's lonesome highway Seems the hardest thing to do
Is to find a friend or two That helping hand
Someone who understands


吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 together, naturally
I had a dream, I had an awesome dream People in the OL 吐槽 in the OL And what they 吐槽 Was a masquerade But from behind the walls of doubt
A voice was crying out 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me
吐槽 together, naturally As we go down life's lonesome highway Seems the hardest thing to do
Is to find a friend or two That helping hand
Someone who understands


吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 together, naturally
I had a dream, I had an awesome dream People in the OL 吐槽 in the OL And what they 吐槽 Was a masquerade But from behind the walls of doubt
A voice was crying out 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me
吐槽 together, naturally As we go down life's lonesome highway Seems the hardest thing to do
Is to find a friend or two That helping hand
Someone who understands


吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 together, naturally
I had a dream, I had an awesome dream People in the OL 吐槽 in the OL And what they 吐槽 Was a masquerade But from behind the walls of doubt
A voice was crying out 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me
吐槽 together, naturally As we go down life's lonesome highway Seems the hardest thing to do
Is to find a friend or two That helping hand
Someone who understands

一游泳教练在商场里购物。一个漂亮的女士突然过来向他打招呼。他定睛看了半天,才认出来原来是他的一个学员。于是他大声惊叹道:“你穿上衣服,我还真认不出来你!” 。

吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 together, naturally
I had a dream, I had an awesome dream People in the OL 吐槽 in the OL And what they 吐槽 Was a masquerade But from behind the walls of doubt
A voice was crying out 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me
吐槽 together, naturally As we go down life's lonesome highway Seems the hardest thing to do
Is to find a friend or two That helping hand
Someone who understands



吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 together, naturally
I had a dream, I had an awesome dream People in the OL 吐槽 in the OL And what they 吐槽 Was a masquerade But from behind the walls of doubt
A voice was crying out 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me
吐槽 together, naturally As we go down life's lonesome highway Seems the hardest thing to do
Is to find a friend or two That helping hand
Someone who understands


吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 together, naturally
I had a dream, I had an awesome dream People in the OL 吐槽 in the OL And what they 吐槽 Was a masquerade But from behind the walls of doubt
A voice was crying out 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me
吐槽 together, naturally As we go down life's lonesome highway Seems the hardest thing to do
Is to find a friend or two That helping hand
Someone who understands

海上漂来一具男尸,面目模糊。只能从下 体辨认 。 全村女人想知道是不是自家出海打渔的 男人

。 甲妇女:“不是俺姐夫,也不是俺男人!”乙妇女:“不是村长,也不是书记 ”一个年轻 寡妇走上前来, 盯着男尸下体看了良久,长 嘘一口气,对着众妇女挥了挥手说:都回去 吧,不是咱村的!

吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 together, naturally
I had a dream, I had an awesome dream People in the OL 吐槽 in the OL And what they 吐槽 Was a masquerade But from behind the walls of doubt
A voice was crying out 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me
吐槽 together, naturally As we go down life's lonesome highway Seems the hardest thing to do
Is to find a friend or two That helping hand
Someone who understands





吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 together, naturally
I had a dream, I had an awesome dream People in the OL 吐槽 in the OL And what they 吐槽 Was a masquerade But from behind the walls of doubt
A voice was crying out 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me
吐槽 together, naturally As we go down life's lonesome highway Seems the hardest thing to do
Is to find a friend or two That helping hand
Someone who understands


吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 together, naturally
I had a dream, I had an awesome dream People in the OL 吐槽 in the OL And what they 吐槽 Was a masquerade But from behind the walls of doubt
A voice was crying out 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me
吐槽 together, naturally As we go down life's lonesome highway Seems the hardest thing to do
Is to find a friend or two That helping hand
Someone who understands


吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 together, naturally
I had a dream, I had an awesome dream People in the OL 吐槽 in the OL And what they 吐槽 Was a masquerade But from behind the walls of doubt
A voice was crying out 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me
吐槽 together, naturally As we go down life's lonesome highway Seems the hardest thing to do
Is to find a friend or two That helping hand
Someone who understands


吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 together, naturally
I had a dream, I had an awesome dream People in the OL 吐槽 in the OL And what they 吐槽 Was a masquerade But from behind the walls of doubt
A voice was crying out 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me
吐槽 together, naturally As we go down life's lonesome highway Seems the hardest thing to do
Is to find a friend or two That helping hand
Someone who understands


吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 together, naturally
I had a dream, I had an awesome dream People in the OL 吐槽 in the OL And what they 吐槽 Was a masquerade But from behind the walls of doubt
A voice was crying out 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me
吐槽 together, naturally As we go down life's lonesome highway Seems the hardest thing to do
Is to find a friend or two That helping hand
Someone who understands

某女跟男友吵架后气得想哭,因为面子,不敢回家哭,突然想到干脆去殡仪馆哭,別人不会觉得奇怪。於是她找了一间正在为一位老翁举行丧礼的灵堂,放下心蹲在地上哭起来。两名中年妇女见了,抱怨道:这死鬼竟然还有小三。商议后过来將她扶起,安慰说: “老三啊,看你哭得那么伤心,我們決定分你1亿5千万现金,其他房地产和公司股票,你就别想了,行吗?”

吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 together, naturally
I had a dream, I had an awesome dream People in the OL 吐槽 in the OL And what they 吐槽 Was a masquerade But from behind the walls of doubt
A voice was crying out 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me
吐槽 together, naturally As we go down life's lonesome highway Seems the hardest thing to do
Is to find a friend or two That helping hand
Someone who understands


吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 together, naturally
I had a dream, I had an awesome dream People in the OL 吐槽 in the OL And what they 吐槽 Was a masquerade But from behind the walls of doubt
A voice was crying out 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me
吐槽 together, naturally As we go down life's lonesome highway Seems the hardest thing to do
Is to find a friend or two That helping hand
Someone who understands


吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 together, naturally
I had a dream, I had an awesome dream People in the OL 吐槽 in the OL And what they 吐槽 Was a masquerade But from behind the walls of doubt
A voice was crying out 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me
吐槽 together, naturally As we go down life's lonesome highway Seems the hardest thing to do
Is to find a friend or two That helping hand
Someone who understands


吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 together, naturally
I had a dream, I had an awesome dream People in the OL 吐槽 in the OL And what they 吐槽 Was a masquerade But from behind the walls of doubt
A voice was crying out 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me
吐槽 together, naturally As we go down life's lonesome highway Seems the hardest thing to do
Is to find a friend or two That helping hand
Someone who understands

有次出差住酒店,电话响了,“请问先生需要特殊服务吗?” 我问她质量怎么样,然后她说了一堆诱惑的条件,然后又让她电话呻吟了好一会儿..... 最后我告诉她已经撸完,不需要了,说完挂了电话。 我太特么机智了又省了300,嘿嘿......

吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 together, naturally
I had a dream, I had an awesome dream People in the OL 吐槽 in the OL And what they 吐槽 Was a masquerade But from behind the walls of doubt
A voice was crying out 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me
吐槽 together, naturally As we go down life's lonesome highway Seems the hardest thing to do
Is to find a friend or two That helping hand
Someone who understands


吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 together, naturally
I had a dream, I had an awesome dream People in the OL 吐槽 in the OL And what they 吐槽 Was a masquerade But from behind the walls of doubt
A voice was crying out 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me
吐槽 together, naturally As we go down life's lonesome highway Seems the hardest thing to do
Is to find a friend or two That helping hand
Someone who understands


吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 together, naturally
I had a dream, I had an awesome dream People in the OL 吐槽 in the OL And what they 吐槽 Was a masquerade But from behind the walls of doubt
A voice was crying out 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me
吐槽 together, naturally As we go down life's lonesome highway Seems the hardest thing to do
Is to find a friend or two That helping hand
Someone who understands

一对夫妻洞房之夜,女方喊疼,男方各种怜爱,完事后女方说这是我的第一次,男方点了支烟对女方说:“这也是我的第一次。我绝对会好好照顾你的!” 女方娇羞的说:“为什么你们男的怎么都喜欢完事后抽烟啊?”,男方说:“习惯了…” 俩人突然之间无语了

吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 together, naturally
I had a dream, I had an awesome dream People in the OL 吐槽 in the OL And what they 吐槽 Was a masquerade But from behind the walls of doubt
A voice was crying out 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me
吐槽 together, naturally As we go down life's lonesome highway Seems the hardest thing to do
Is to find a friend or two That helping hand
Someone who understands


吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 together, naturally
I had a dream, I had an awesome dream People in the OL 吐槽 in the OL And what they 吐槽 Was a masquerade But from behind the walls of doubt
A voice was crying out 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me
吐槽 together, naturally As we go down life's lonesome highway Seems the hardest thing to do
Is to find a friend or two That helping hand
Someone who understands


吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 together, naturally
I had a dream, I had an awesome dream People in the OL 吐槽 in the OL And what they 吐槽 Was a masquerade But from behind the walls of doubt
A voice was crying out 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me
吐槽 together, naturally As we go down life's lonesome highway Seems the hardest thing to do
Is to find a friend or two That helping hand
Someone who understands


吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 together, naturally
I had a dream, I had an awesome dream People in the OL 吐槽 in the OL And what they 吐槽 Was a masquerade But from behind the walls of doubt
A voice was crying out 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me
吐槽 together, naturally As we go down life's lonesome highway Seems the hardest thing to do
Is to find a friend or two That helping hand
Someone who understands


吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 together, naturally
I had a dream, I had an awesome dream People in the OL 吐槽 in the OL And what they 吐槽 Was a masquerade But from behind the walls of doubt
A voice was crying out 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me
吐槽 together, naturally As we go down life's lonesome highway Seems the hardest thing to do
Is to find a friend or two That helping hand
Someone who understands

Taylor Swift在84次恋爱后一共写了371首关于前男友的歌。虽然这些歌中有279首进入billboard单曲榜,有16位前男友因名声扫地而破产、52位有过自杀的念头、23位付诸实际行动、8位自杀成功。此次带来的作品能否安抚前男友们的心,我们拭目以待!对了,希望Justin Bieber对她下一首歌曲做好心理准备。。。

吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 together, naturally
I had a dream, I had an awesome dream People in the OL 吐槽 in the OL And what they 吐槽 Was a masquerade But from behind the walls of doubt
A voice was crying out 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me
吐槽 together, naturally As we go down life's lonesome highway Seems the hardest thing to do
Is to find a friend or two That helping hand
Someone who understands

唐僧问孙悟空:“悟空,你被压在五指山下500年,生理问题是怎么解决的呀?” 见孙悟空羞红了脸,唐僧说:“哦,我明白了,一定是土地公公。” 听到唐僧这么说,山神诡异地笑了。

吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 together, naturally
I had a dream, I had an awesome dream People in the OL 吐槽 in the OL And what they 吐槽 Was a masquerade But from behind the walls of doubt
A voice was crying out 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me
吐槽 together, naturally As we go down life's lonesome highway Seems the hardest thing to do
Is to find a friend or two That helping hand
Someone who understands


吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 together, naturally
I had a dream, I had an awesome dream People in the OL 吐槽 in the OL And what they 吐槽 Was a masquerade But from behind the walls of doubt
A voice was crying out 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me
吐槽 together, naturally As we go down life's lonesome highway Seems the hardest thing to do
Is to find a friend or two That helping hand
Someone who understands

Re: 段子


