




在人事档案制度初期,共为四类人建立了档案:为干部、学生、职工和军人。这项制度的主要目的就是控制中国公民,主要由其档案所属的“单位”来实现此项控制。 数十年来,档案在中国人的生活中发挥着重要作用——工作调动、升职、入党、迁徙、分房等人生大事都离不开档案。

根据档案管理规定,我无权查看自己的档案,更不能打开这个袋子,否则就要承担“相应的法律责任”。在中国,很少有人能看到自己的袋子,只有政府和政府控制机构中的特定人士——某些党员——才有权查看,它是中国政府控制民众的秘密工具之一。和极权社会的许多秘密武器一样,人事档案系统的效用也在与日递减,“死档”、“弃档”日益增加, 不实信息比比皆是。尽管如此,人事档案依然在中国人的生活中发挥着重要作用,这些装着谎言袋子甚至可能决定人的命运。












在我的前半生, 一个阴魂不散的纸制档案袋时时跟随着我,记下我的每次迁徒和变动;在我的后半生,我会拥有一个电子档案,我可能不会知道其中有什么内容,但无论我走到何处,它都将是我余生沉重的负担。

Under Beijing’s Eyes
August 18, 2014
Murong Xuecun
BEIJING — In the summer of 2000, a colleague gave me a sealed folder containing my personal file. He told me that our employer, a state-owned company that traded in automobiles and machine parts, had gone bust and that I should deliver it to the local Human Resource Exchange and Service Center, which is one of many repositories that hold the secret personal files Beijing has kept on hundreds of millions of Chinese since the 1950s.
At the time, the files were divided into four categories: those on cadres, students, employees, and military personnel. The system was designed to control citizens by linking them to work units, which were charged with managing the files. For decades, these files played an important role in people’s lives. They were essential for things like changing jobs, gaining promotion, joining the Communist Party, relocating to other cities, and even receiving housing allocations.
I was forbidden to open the envelope; if I did, there would be “legal consequences.” Only government officials or authorized personnel (mainly Communist Party members) have the power to examine people’s personal files. But like many secret weapons of the totalitarian state, the effectiveness of the personal file system is diminishing. The files are supposed to be maintained by state-owned enterprises and government agencies, but now not all companies are state-owned. There are thousands of abandoned or outdated files, yet the system continues to function as a means of control. The files are most often filled with lies that can have a profound effect on a person’s future.
In 2000, the annual fee to manage my personal file was 120 yuan, or about $15. I did not want to pay, nor did I care about the legal consequences. I opened the envelope as soon as I got home and perused every piece of paper in it.
The earliest document, dated May 26, 1989, was my application to join the Communist Youth League. I was then a high school student in a remote mountain town in northeast China. At the time, thousands of university students were gathering on Tiananmen Square in Beijing to protest government corruption and dictatorship — but my application had nothing to do with those protests and it was accepted. Ever since then my file has shadowed me from that remote township to Beijing, and on to Chengdu in the west. It’s hard for me to imagine even today the forces behind my file, about which I knew nothing, traversing the length and breadth of China.
I am responsible for some of the lies in my file. I can vaguely recall making up wild untruths, even though several of the forms I filled out over the years included a reminder that they must be completed honestly, “with a faithful and truthful attitude toward the Party.” I claimed that both my mother and sister were Communist Party members. (They were not, but it’s always good to have a few party members in the family.) In one form, I claimed that I had won prizes in writing and speech competitions. I did not win those prizes. No one ever spoke to me about the lies. I suspect no one had ever carefully examined my file.
Some lies came courtesy of my teachers and classmates. Our teachers taught us to love the Communist Party and the government, but they knew that whatever they said about us would follow us for the rest of our lives, so in private they tried to put in a good word for us, even though it meant taking a few risks.
In one evaluation, my teachers wrote that I was in charge of organization and publicity for the school’s branch of the Communist Youth League, and that I was an after-hours tutor at a primary school. Not true. I don’t even know if that school existed. The truth is that though I did well in my studies, I often skipped classes and was frequently involved in schoolyard brawls.
Regarding extracurricular activities, my teachers said I had participated in military training and visited families of military martyrs during the Chinese New Year of 1991 — an activity promoted as a classic good deed. I had done none of that.
The personal file system is hardly compassionate, but I can see the kindness of ordinary people shining through in my personal file. However, the arbitrary nature of the system and its lack of transparency can also ruin lives.
One of my classmates was an employee of a state-owned enterprise when he applied for a promotion in 1998. The interview went well and his written test results were good but his application failed. He pestered the leadership for the reason. His superior later told him that his performance was satisfactory, but his personal file was a disaster. To this day he does not know what is in his file, but it is obvious that it contains a heavy burden that he may have to carry for the rest of his life.
The widely reported story of an aspiring teacher, Tang Guoji, is even sadder. While a student in Hunan Province, he had complained to media and government agencies about his teachers and the quality of instruction at his university. He graduated in 1983, but for 20 years — despite an outstanding academic record — he could not find a teaching job. Prospective employers often turned him down at the last minute. There were rumors about his mental condition. In 2003, he finally learned that his decades of bad luck were caused by unfavorable comments about him in his personal file — the student “has a serious mental disorder and is not suitable for teaching positions,” one teacher wrote.
Now, with the advent of the Internet age, Beijing has new ways to control the populace. In May, the government announced it was rolling out a national social credit network. This will include a much more powerful personal file system, which, according to the People’s Daily, will collate information on every aspect of the life of every citizen, including records of online activities.
If the government deems a person’s activities “seriously untrustworthy,” his or her everyday life will be jeopardized. It is easy to envision a future where banks can cancel mortgages, the transport bureau can cancel drivers’ licenses, and hospitals can refuse treatment.
For the first half of my life a malevolent spirit in the form of a personal file envelope followed wherever I went, recording my every move, detailing every change in my circumstances. For the rest of my life, I will have an electronic file on me whose contents I may never see. No matter where I go this new file will be a burden that I will have to carry until my dying day.
Murong Xuecun is a novelist and blogger and the author of “Leave Me Alone: A Novel of Chengdu.” This article was translated by The New York Times.
十多年前的老文章了,现在谁还看你档案呢?让人看都没人看·~现在都啥年代了 呵呵



小飞飞 #5
什么秘密档案,什么阴魂不散。 文风真搞笑。 明明都是大家知道只是个形式,也不会重视到什么程度,反而一本正经的去讽刺这种不重视。又不是犯罪记录
