
The International Conference on Computational Sciences, Advanced Database and Computing (CSADC2017)
Swissôtel Resort Phuket Patong Beach,Phuket, Thailand, Oct.11-12, 2017
Conference Website: http://www.iccsadc.org/
CSADC2017会议收录文章将在会前提交给出版社,并由出版社提交至主要数据库检索如:ISI Proceedings, EI-Compendex, DBLP, SCOPUS, Google Scholar and Springerlink.
Papers accepted and presented at CSADC2017 will be published in Springer Book Series
"Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing"
(indexed by SCOPUS, Google Scholar, ISI Proceedings, EI-Compendex, DBLP and Springerlink.).
l Important Dates
Paper Submission: July 13, 2017
Conference Date: Oct.11-12, 2017
l Contact Us
TEL: 024-83958379-812 张老师.
QQ: 3422544454
EMAIL:[email protected]
l Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:1.Hardware and Software Design
2.Distributed and Parallel Processing
3.Advance Software Engineering
4.Computer Graphics and Multimedia
5.Computer Communication
6.Computer Security
7.Artificial Intelligence
8.Evolutionary Computing
9.Advanced Database Management Systems