

大家好!近期法国波尔多大学和巴黎高科-ENSAM两所大学在招CSC博士生(攻读博士学位或双学位联合培养),我是ENSAM的联合培养双学位博士,亲测实验室氛围很好,导师对学生非常负责,以下两个文件是他们的课题信息,截止日期临近,可以赶上明年三月份的CSC申请,有需要的同学可以联系我([email protected]),或者文件中老师的邮箱。

We are proposing 2 PhD projects open to CSC candidates.

1) The first is through ParisTech on

"An environmentally-friendly porosimetry method for core characterization in Geosciences based on the injection of yield stress fluids".

The project description is attached and applications should be made on


Deadline for application : 20 Feb 2020.

2) The second project is entitled

“Multiphase flow of viscoelastic fluids in porous medium systems: a multiscale modeling approach”

The project description is attached and applications should be made on

http://www.adum.fr/as/ed/voirproposition.pl?langue=fr&site=UBX&matricule_prop=27337#versionDeadline for application : 20 Feb. 2020

We would be highly grateful if you could diffuse and promote widely these two offers. As you can see, for the first one the deadline is very close.

Interested applicants can write to us for any questions. Azita - Aziz - Giuseppe - Antonio