
Site Tianjin is a strategic manufacturing site of Novo Nordisk . It supplies to both global and domestic market with durable devices for insulin iniection and finished products of insulin . Site Tianjin locates in Tianjin Economic-technologicalDevelopment Area ( TEDA ) . It covers an area of 128,000 square metres and employs approximately 1100 employees .
The site was established in 1995 , expanded in TEDA in 2002 for durable devices production . At the end of 2008 , it was further expanded for insulin production . Site Tianjin has become the single durable devices supplier of Novo Nordisk and the biggest production site outside Denmark for insulin formulation and filling.
五险一金 带薪年假 通讯补助 免费班车 节日福利 补充医疗保险 员工活动 团队建设 额外的公司假期
工作环境好 同事很nice 管理人性化 团队执行强 免费班车 氛围活跃 人际关系好 吃住环境好
管理培训生项目(Graduate Program)
管理培训生项目主要分布在6大部门,Aseptic Production(无菌生产部)、Business Support(业务支持部)、Finished Products(成品包装部)、Quality(质量部)、Durable device and Prefilled assembly(耐用器械和预填充组装部)、Manufacture IT(信息技术部)。
在这里,你可以获得(In this program, you will be provided with):
1、3 rotations in 2 years
2、Cross-functional projects
3、Extensive LEAN and leadership trainings
4、International learning
招聘流程(Application Process)
CV screening:2022.11.12-11.18
Online Test:2022.11.19-11.30
Video interview:2022.12.1-12.11
Assessment Center:2022.12.12
Final Interview:2022.12.13-2022.12.23
年度校招(Fresh Graduate)
Aseptic Production无菌生产部:
As a core production area in Site Tianjin, Aseptic Production is responsible for producing insulin penfill® which covering process of formulation, washing and sterilization, filling, and inspection. The area is featured by major production happening in Grade A/B which demands high level of quality mind-set and strictly follow the Aseptic behavior requirements.
招聘岗位:Process engineer/EM Professional 工艺工程师/环境监测专员
Finished Products成品部:
FP area is with the goal to pack Insulin products to the market and for clinic trial to match the import and export demand to the market. Currently, 7 highly automated production lines are running in Finished Products department.
招聘岗位:Maintenance Engineer 维修工程师、 Process engineer工艺工程师
Durable device and Prefilled assembly耐用器械&预填充组装:
Durable device and Prefilled assembly is an area to assemble Durable Pens and Prefilled pen to supply to both Chinese and international market. Durable pens include NovoPen®4,NovoPen®5, NovoPen Echo®, NovoPen Echo® Plus and NovoPen® 6. Prefilled assembly include Flex pen and Flex Touch.
耐用器械&与填充组装区域主要组装耐用注射笔和预填充笔以供应中国和国际市场。耐用注射笔包括NovoPen®4,NovoPen®5, NovoPen Echo®, NovoPen Echo® Plus and NovoPen® 6。预填充组装包括Flex pen 和 Flex Touch Durable device and Prefilled assembly area covers Durable device production, Process engineering and Support, Technical support and Prefilled assembly.
招聘岗位:Production Engineer生产工程师、Maintenance Engineer维修工程师、Process Engineer 工艺工程师
Line Transfer Project项目转移部
Line transfer project department was set up to successfully transfer products to production area and furthermore installing and validating new lines and new buildings to meet future market demand. The department is responsible for successfully implementing all Investment Projects and contributing to Diabetes Finished Products 2025 strategy and Site Tianjin lighthouse vision.
招聘岗位:Maintenance engineer 维修工程师
STJ expansion project天津厂扩建项目:
Novo Nordisk Site Tianjin expansion project is investing billions in Tianjin to build a state-of-the-art factory and establish cartridge filling capacity in fully integrated isolators, delivering life-saving products to the patients in China and other countries, which we are proud of 20 years from now on.
招聘岗位:Process Engineer 工艺工程师
Quality Control质量控制
Quality Control is an organizational unit in PS Site Tianjin. We are responsible for quality testing of drug products, device products and incoming materials. We are also responsible for calibration program of equipment for the whole site. We are focused on high level of compliance and continuous improvement of processes.
招聘岗位:Chemistry Professional 化学实验室专员、Microbiology Professional 微生物专员
Quality 质量部
The Novo Nordisk's Quality Mission is to strive for simplicity and never compromise on quality and thereby safeguard patient safety, product quality and compliance. Quality of Site Tianjin covers 3 departments: Insulin Production QA, Device & Supplier QA, Quality Systems & Validation & DC.
诺和诺德的质量使命是力求简单,从不妥协质量,从而保障患者安全、产品质量和合规性。天津现场质量包括 3 个部门:胰岛素生产 QA、设备和供应商 QA、质量体系和验证和 DC。
招聘岗位:QA Engineer 质量保证工程师
Business Support(业务支持部)
Business Support area is an organizational unit in PS Site Tianjin. We are responsible for Strategic planning, project management and MI/MT (Modern Intelligence and modern technology), Finance and indirect procurement, Planning and direct procurement, as well as Warehousing and Shipping.
Business support area focus on supply chain, site strategy planning, project management and Financial matters to meet relevant internal and external stakeholder and customers’ need.
招聘岗位:Logistic system Engineer 物流系统工程师、Accountant 会计
Manufacturing IT(信息技术部)
Manufacturing IT for Insulin Finished Products (MIT IFP) at Site Tianjin is responsible for IT and automation for the production site in Tianjin.
This responsibility spans across developments and maintenance of local and global IT and automation solutions, infrastructure, compliance, and security in collaboration with colleagues from Global IT and external vendors/service providers in addition to building an IT strategy that ensures foundational IT and automation is future proof without compromising production’s operational excellence.
招聘岗位:IT EngineerIT工程师 、OT Engineer自动化工程师