
话说中国足协深感甲A球员素质太差,为改变这一现状,下令所有甲A球员除要进行体能测试外,还要通过文化课考试方能参赛.这一着可难坏了某一俱乐部的主教练.他手下一名国脚在队中是绝对主力,但文化素质奇差.主教练生怕该队员通不过文化考试,特意托人疏通关系,希望考官提问时予以关照.考官答复:"没问题,到时问他个简单问题,他答对了就行了." 考试这天,主教练陪同国脚来到考官面前,等候考官提问.考官果然够意思,问了个简单得不能再简单的问题:"2加7等于几?" 国脚思考了半天,回答说:"9". 考官还没说什么,主教练在一边沉不住气了,他赶紧拉着考官,用颤抖的声音说:"考官先生,求您再给他一次机会吧."


吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 together, naturally
I had a dream, I had an awesome dream People in the OL 吐槽 in the OL And what they 吐槽 Was a masquerade But from behind the walls of doubt
A voice was crying out 吐 you, 吐 me 吐槽 for always That's the way it should be 吐 you, 吐 me
吐槽 together, naturally As we go down life's lonesome highway Seems the hardest thing to do
Is to find a friend or two That helping hand
Someone who understands