

No. 10 In today’s world, it is private companies rather than governments who pay for and carry out most scientific research. Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
  难点剖析: 私人企业而非政府支持和进行科学研究;雅思写作本题难点首先在于对题目中现象的解释,其次科学研究的话题本身并不容易着手,涵盖的范围较为广泛,考生需适当选取具体的例子对题目现象的利弊加以说明。
  No. 9 Today there is a large increase in anti-social behavior and lack of respect to others. What are the causes of this phenomenon? What measures can be taken to reduce it?
  难点剖析: 现代社会反社会行为增多,人与人之间缺少尊重;本题的难点在于对”anti-social behavior”的理解,即什么样的行为会被视为反社会行为,考生往往会在未能准确理解该词的情况下造成偏题的结果。
雅思写作模板   No. 8 Some people say that air travel can only benefit the richest people in the world and that ordinary people get no advantage from the development of air travel. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
  难点剖析: 飞机旅行之于富人和普通民众;题目本身因为”only”这个绝对化的词而变得站不住脚,随着飞机旅行价格的合理化,普通民众也能承担,但在讨论的过程中考生要注意不能只顾说明飞机旅行的种种好处,而要把它和普通民众可以做的事情联系起来。雅思写作范文
  No. 7 Some people think that modern games cannot help children improve a wide range of skills. Instead, traditional games are much better for them to develop these skills. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this view?
  难点剖析: 现代游戏和传统游戏对小孩技能的培养;本题难点在于低龄化的的考生可能对modern games比较熟悉,尤其跟各种电子设备相关的游戏,但对于传统的游戏知之甚少,更不要说相应的表达以及能够开发的技能了。
  No. 6 Fossil fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas are now used in most countries. But in some countries the use of alternative sources of energy (including wind and solar power) is encouraged. Is this a positive or negative development?
  难点剖析: 可再生能源代替不可再生能源;可再生能源的开发和利用无论是对环境的保护还是对能源稀缺问题的解决都无疑是一个好的趋势,本题的难点则在于考生对于新型可再生能源知多少,以及它们可以运用到生活的哪些方面。